Publications by Year: 1989

Fact and Fiction in Vladimir Nabokov’s Biography of Abram Gannibal.” Mosaic 22 (1989): 43-56.Abstract

Russian version in Pushkinskii iubileinyi (For Pushkin’s Jubilee), ed. S. Shwarzband. Jerusalem: Praedicta, 1999, pp. 149–60.

Parallel Experience in Conrad’s Nostromo.” Conradiana 21 (1989): 183-202.
Stories from Kolyma: The Sense of History (Hebrew University Studies in Literature and the Arts).” HSLA 17 (1989): 189-220.
Nabokov: The Mystery of Literary Structures
Toker, Leona. Nabokov: The Mystery of Literary Structures. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989.