Publications by Type: Journal Articles

Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”: From Self-Consciousness to Sympathy.” Connotations 7, no. 2 (1998): 181-93.
Review of John Burt Foster, Jr.Nabokov's Art of Memory and European Modernism.” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 23, no. 2 (1996): 606-609.
Awaiting Translation: Lev Konson’s Gulag Stories.” Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought 45 (1996): 119-27.
Hard Times and a Critique of Utopia: A Typological Study.” Narrative 4 (1996): 218-34.Abstract

Reprinted in Charles Dickens, Hard Times. A Norton Critical Edition. Ed. Fred Kaplan and Sylvère Monod. Third Edition. New York: Norton, 2001, pp. 465–75.

The Fragmentation of Experience in Nabokov’s Fiction.” Cycnos 12 (1995): 124-34.
If Everything Else Fails, Read the Instructions: Further Echoes of the Reception-Theory Debate.” Connotations 4 (1995): 151-64.
L’éthique du camouflage narratif.” Trans. Hélène Fiamma..” Europe: revue littéraire mensuelle, no. 791 (1995): 71-80.Abstract

Dutch translation, by Gerard de Vries, of a revised version: “Vorm en ethiek: Nabokovs romans en het scholen van de ontvankelijkheid” (“Form and Ethics: Nabokov’s Fiction and the Education of Sensibilities”) De Tweede Ronde (Amsterdam), Winter 1998/99: 191-200. Russian-language version: “Nabokov i etika kamufliazha,” in Vladimir Nabokov: Pro et Contra, ed. B. V. Averin. St. Petersburg: Russian Christian Institute for the Humanities, 2001 II: 377–86.

Review of Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies, vol. 1 (1991).” Mediterranean Language Review 6-7 (1993): 280-83.
Rhetoric and Ethical Ambiguities in “That Evening Sun”.” Women's Studies 22 (1993): 429-39.Abstract

Reprinted in Short Story Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers 92, ed. Jelena Krstovíc. Farmington Hills: Thomson Gale, 2006, pp. 74–79.

Review of Vladimir Alexandrov'sNabokov's Otherworld.” American Literature (1992): 186-87.
Philosophers as Poets: Reading Nabokov with Schopenhauer and Bergson.” Russian Literature Triquarterly 24 (1991): 185-96.
A Tale Untold: Varlam Shalamov’s “A Day Off”.” Studies in Short Fiction 28 (1991): 1-8.
Fact and Fiction in Vladimir Nabokov’s Biography of Abram Gannibal.” Mosaic 22 (1989): 43-56.Abstract

Russian version in Pushkinskii iubileinyi (For Pushkin’s Jubilee), ed. S. Shwarzband. Jerusalem: Praedicta, 1999, pp. 149–60.

Parallel Experience in Conrad’s Nostromo.” Conradiana 21 (1989): 183-202.
Stories from Kolyma: The Sense of History (Hebrew University Studies in Literature and the Arts).” HSLA 17 (1989): 189-220.
