Publications by Year: 1995

A Book that Nabokov Was Proud of: Review of Peter Kriksunov's Hebrew Translation ofInvitation to a Beheading(in Hebrew).” Haaretz, 1995, Dec. 31, Books 7.
Nabokov and Bergson.” In The Garland Companion to Nabokov, 667-73. Ed. V. Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995.
Représentation de la crise dans l’oeuvre de Nathaniel Hawthorne: Le Mode Carnivalesque, trans. Christine Raguet-Bouvart.” In Éclats de voix: Crises en représentation dans la littérat ure nord-américaine, 97-109. Ed. Christine Raguet-Bouvart. La Rochelle: Rumeur des Ages, 1995.Abstract

Revised English version, "Carnival and Crisis in Three Stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne," in Towards the Ethics of Form in Fiction. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2010, pp. 21-34. 

Versions of Job: Some Jewish Characters in the Stories of Varlam Shalamov.” In Jews and Slavs, 4:253-66. Ed. W. Moskovich, S. Shwarzband, and A. Alekseev. Jerusalem: FPL, 1995.
The Fragmentation of Experience in Nabokov’s Fiction.” Cycnos 12 (1995): 124-34.
If Everything Else Fails, Read the Instructions: Further Echoes of the Reception-Theory Debate.” Connotations 4 (1995): 151-64.
L’éthique du camouflage narratif.” Trans. Hélène Fiamma..” Europe: revue littéraire mensuelle, no. 791 (1995): 71-80.Abstract

Dutch translation, by Gerard de Vries, of a revised version: “Vorm en ethiek: Nabokovs romans en het scholen van de ontvankelijkheid” (“Form and Ethics: Nabokov’s Fiction and the Education of Sensibilities”) De Tweede Ronde (Amsterdam), Winter 1998/99: 191-200. Russian-language version: “Nabokov i etika kamufliazha,” in Vladimir Nabokov: Pro et Contra, ed. B. V. Averin. St. Petersburg: Russian Christian Institute for the Humanities, 2001 II: 377–86.